Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sharing a thought before sharing Coke

Coca Cola, has encouraged me to find the One. My Soulmate. A search that for some of us, may be long or short. Some, may never find that person. We all want to be accepted and find a person to lose ourselves in. That person who we love, and they love us. Regardless of our mistakes and they're there for us when we go through the consequences of our actions and choices. I've made mistakes. The woman who I was once with, I thought was my soulmate. I still think this. I know she is. But at the time of being with her, I wasn't the man she needed me to be, or the one she wanted me to be. I was a boy. And no boy, deserves a woman. Not one as spectacular as her. One night, we saw 4 shooting stars together. She saw them. I was lost in her. Nothing else mattered. Just the light in her eyes. The stars racing in the sky, watching them through her eyes. I think this, this kind of astonishment is what people look for. It may be in the opposite or same sex. Everyone deserves to feel it though. That feeling, to me, just blows me away. I currently still love this girl, 2 years later after we broke up. My heart says it does. My head though, it knows I shouldn't. 

Long ago, this was taken. I was goofy and sweaty, and in love. She saw me for that goofy cheese ball I am, and for that, I shall be hers until the end of time. 

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