Thursday, June 26, 2014

Step One: Admit You Have a Problem

In 2009,  P.J. Hogan directed 'Confessions of a Shopaholic'. The film is about a college grad who can't for the life of her control herself when she walks the street. Everytime she goes out, she has the need to shop. Soon she becomes unemployment and finds work with a finacial savings magazine. The Irony is unbelievable.  The star of Confessions of a Shopaholic, Rebecca Bloomwood, is a journalist in the Big Apple, New York City.
Not only is she a journalist, but also in her spare time she is a shopaholic.  Under a mountain of debt, Rebecca continues to feed her addiction until she becomes unemployed. Here are a few tips incase you are in debt. Rebecca was 2 grand shy of twenty thousand dollars in the hole.

Debt collectors and Work:

They cannot come to your workplace. It is against the law, your financial problems aren't to get sorted out at work. You sort them out on personal time. In the movie, a collector goes to her work for a face-to-face visit. Rebecca gets freaked out after being harassed from telephone calls at work and at home. So she makes up a lie about the collector being a stalker. That's pretty bad, right? Well she didn't have the money to pay off her debt.


A shopaholic is someone who has an addiction to shopping. A quick way to become a Rebecca Bloomwood is get twelve credit cards and don't answer the phone or pay back your debts. The longer you take to pay it, the more debt you become in. That's not a good thing. Debt is bad. Nobody wants to answer unwanted phone calls from random people and their hard earned money be handed over. At the same time though, you are spending money you don't have. It's much cheaper to wait until you have the money to get something. Credit cards charge interest and annual percentage rates. By just paying the minimum your 100 expense can quickly get out of control. Shopping is fun. I enjoy going out with some chaps and playing some video games at the arcade, looking for new clothes. But to prevent myself from over spending I only take $40 and leave my cards at home. 

Self Control

A word that we say too often in different ways, "control yourself" "have some self control", even though we over say it, we put the word into action even less. When we go shopping or anywhere to spend some money, try to control yourself. You can't see unexpected expenses. As an adult you have many freedoms, deciding when to go home, what to eat, but also you have to make a budget and figure out how to stay out of debt. Debt is understandable when taking out a car loan, or getting a house. But just going on a shopping spree whenever you decide I is a good time too, not so much.
Rebecca Bloomwood told us that "the world is a better place when she shops." That is false, it isn't a better or worse place. It is perspective, your world may be a little brighter and not soo bad for a little while but reality hasn't changed.  When your closet looks like this, you have a problem. So start with the first Step of recovery, take things from there. Soon you'll be a better you.




Tuesday, June 17, 2014

College or Work?

The Pew Research Center surveyed parents about College. This isn't an uncommon subject, our whole lives going to a good college or university is our goal. 94% of parents expect for their children to attend college. 94 out of 100 people plan on their children to attend college. That is a high number. 77% say that college is necessary for a woman to get ahead in life, 68% say the same for males. Our parents put a high value on college and school, but they put a higher value somewhere else. Character Traits. A good work ethic is extremely or very important, that's what 96% of people say. Not only a good work ethic but being able to get along with people is 93% and 90% of those people say the same about skills learned on the job. Let's remember that 96% say work ethic, only 77% say college is very important. Your work ethic is more important than college. Without surprise, over half of they people surveyed prefer to work and earn income than sit in a class room, 57% is over half right? A little less than half, 48%, can't afford college because the price is rising. 34 out of 100 people decided they didn't need more education. 5% did not continue education because they weren't received into the school of choice.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Today was quite interesting, I currently am residing in my dad's bestfriend's farm. For breakfast, we had a cup of Joe and also a 
which has a different taste.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, the raw, unpasteurized milk. From the Teet. We used for everything was from a goat
. Pronounced GO AT. Today was a good day, good night all. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014


To be honest, out of all the social media we have, I'm more of a Instagram person. There isn't as much bickering on Instagram. I enjoy taking pictures like these. As you all know, take a picture or video and upload it for people to see. A picture after all says a thousand words. But, I have always wondered what ae these 1000 words about? Are they about me? The object?
I read an article on how social media can help when on the job hunt. Depending on what you decide to do as a career, follow important indivuals in that field locally. Like the people around your area who are established in that field of expertise. These people can help you enter the field and from there you get better and meet more people in that field. I've had an Instagram since it came out, which is about 2 years now. So nearly 1,500 pictures I've posted. That is a whole lot of words, over 100,000, all saying something about me. Hopefully nothing bad or that I should be ashamed of. A resume we fill out says only a few hundred words about us, but our social media site of choice can say a whole lot more.
Many companies and businesses looking for prospective future employees, look at a Profession social media site. It is called Linkedin. The difficulty to get a job, not even a career is difficult. So really think about making one of these pages, it'll give you a better chance to be hired. Getting your name out and them seeing it is so much better. Especially compared to just going in without any clue to who you are.
Linkedin, turns finding a job, a sit around and wait thing. Not forever, because nothing will just fall into your lap, but maybe a couple of weeks than actively pursue a career. When potential employers type in a search criteria, if you match keywords you will pop up. Adding these words throughout your account can increase chances of getting hit on the search. Recently, I watched a video on making a Linkedin account. The video was made by Cambridge Educational, the video went in depth about what to show about yourself, and also how to make connections. Brass Magazine also has some great
articles that may help with a career.

Really Linkedin out, when I get some time I will be making an account. Social media really can be used to get you ahead in your career, or it can put you out of the running for a career. Take advantage of the video and other articles or just simple advice on getting a job.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Digital Literacy and Responsibilty

I completed an Everfi course. The course is a digital learning platform. It is interactive so you stay engaged. The modules covered these topics: Using a Computer, Wireless Communication, Viral World, Internet Resources and Credibility, Creating Multimedia Products, Digital Relationships and Respects, The Future of Technology and You

Computer Choices

I once had to buy a new computer as you guys know. I forgot to mention the importance of comparing specs to other computer. It can make a difference, bigger isn't always better.In our day and age microchips and sim cards are much smaller than before. Just a quick recap, things to compare are the RAM. Not the trucks you silly nilly. RAM is the Random Access Memory. It is one of the more important parts along with the CPU is a Central Processing Unit. That carries out instructions. Computers are always changing. 20 years ago, computers looked like this. Huge, not much mobility if at all. This is an Older model.
Today they look like this. Portable, light, many more features and colors.

Wireless Comms

Phones are huge, super important. Now you can call your mom who is in a spaceship. While your swimming underwater. Nobody would have thought for Tech to come this far. And nobody knows where it'll go 20 years from now. Everyday advances are being made. Along with all of these advances come dangers though. Texting and Driving is a huge danger that everyone who is on a road faces. You are distracted from the road and that is dangerous, to yourself and everyone in the car with you. Also the people in other cars. Keep it simple and if you decide to text while in the car don't drive. Let someone else. Things like this happen when texting and driving

The Interweb

People aren't stupid. They see things differently and are better at different things. Technology has  made communication and things of that nature better, but it also makes identity theft possible and people can ruin your life. By using your cell phone # in a post, you can be tracked down. The Gov't does this, bad guys can do it too. Find out every teensy detail and strip you of everything you love and have. So don't put in any extra fluff when it comes to social media. Here is what you really need:
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • E-mail
Another quick tip is to customize your settings, not just your profile page. You determine your own privacy settings, not default settings.
It sounds ridiculous but it's possible to overuse technology. You can spend too much time using it. That overuse is really easy also. You don't realize it and 9:30 you start looking at iFunny then the next time you see the time, it;s your alarm going off to get ready for school. To keep technology use in check, plan to do other things with people. Interact, go to the park or the mall. Hangout with some friends and turn off your cellphones. Just savor the moment.

IF you are on this blog, you know what plagiarizing is. Copying a work or not giving credit to somone when credit is due.  Just cite your sources and you won't have to worry about plagarizing.
You know you will get a 0, possibly be suspended and probably detention. Why go through allof that when you can just cite sources?


Watch out friends, people will bully you on the Web. It is worse than in person, because in person you can hit them in the throat. Cyberbullying isn't cool. It's cold and wrong. Express yourself with a computer or anyway you want, don't let some bully on the internet hold you back. Just exit the tab and keep doing what you love. Technology will help you express yourself by letting you change things. You can't make dubstep without it or mess with photo lighting.
Copyright is the right to copy or distribute a work. Taking a picture from someone and saying it's yours is an infringement, it is a little bit like plagarism. Before I forget, if you are cyber bullied, tell an adult. Save the messages already recieved, close the tab and wait to show an adult. My generation will have to start the revolution to end cyberbullying. We are going to have to confront people we do not like.

Future Tech

As you know, technology has advanced. With those advancements, many careers are now broader also the way things are done have changed. 50 years ago, the military would need a man to have eyes on a target to send artillery to obliterate it with explosives. Today in 2014, you can send a UAV drone to a target see everything you want and sent exact precise coordinates, better effect an precision than 1964. Doctors can perform surgery with robots or just let the robot play surgeon.
  • Science-Doctors, Reseachers, Chemist
  • Technology-Webpage Designer, Advertisment
  • Engineering-Architect, Military, Aerospace
  • Math-Teaching, Biomathematics, Finance
STEM makes up jobs that we need people, and the Technology has made knowledge and skills in these careers so much more important. There is no telling where technology will be by 2020, so we need to take more classes that intergrate technology. To prepare to have everything we need on a screen. I think in under 3 decades, we won't have any hard copies or paper money. Everything will be credit or debit.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

BTA Today

In class today was pretty fun. Got Zaxby's for lunch, pretty tasty that was. Also recieved a 91 on a quiz :D

Contact Stuff

please complete form, 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Today in BTA was kinda slow, had some projects to do. It's not too bad, but it is definetly lacking fun. It's 13 minutes to the bell and time could not be slower. I'm in a spinny chair and I can't spin. Torture right? Like my good Hombre Dory sang, "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming".

Monday, June 2, 2014

Lets Talk Tech

I was given an assignment from an individual, who at my workplace has more power than I. I'm an IT guy at my work. The thing is, I need a personal computer for home use. I'm just an average Joe, with a $400 budget. I can not go over my budget because my dad is in a home, I am paying for that. 

This computer is going to be thrown together. Price is key for me, the specs have to match the price.
I don't want a traditional monitor, oh no, I purchased a Sceptre 32' inch Flat screen with a 1366 x 768 resolution. I now have pixels.

Toshiba Canvio With a whopping, 5700 rpm speed, a 32 megabit cache buffer and 3 terabytes, transform this external hard drive worth the cost. And yes, the price is right.

My keyboard is a K120 , other than the low profile keys and tilt control legs, there is nothing really special about it, it's a keyboard.

                                                                                                8 pages per minute in black, 4 in color, this printer is off the chain.

The Canon Pixma does just that along with being energy star certified. hear that? It's certified, official, bonafide. Comes with power cord.

Logitech made a mouse with high speed connection, no hassle because of no software. It is called the Wireless Mouse. Just kidding, but seriously, M185 with USB nano wireless receiver.

Cyber Acoustics 2.1 Speaker System with Sub woofer features finger tip controls for easy use, high excursion woofers, cabinets too.

The cost of everything is here, Budget .

Buying a Computer Budget
$ 400
Total Expenses
Shipping & Handling
Sales Tax @ 9%
Sub Total
Net Income/ Net Loss
+$  35.39

 If you get on a budget, shooting under is better. Going with too much money is better than not enough. Good luck my friends. Customer to Customer reviews are important but not all circumstances are the same, so personal preference should over rule reviews. The extra money will be used on speakers and maybe my woman. Depends on how I feel about it later.

My ideal cellphone would have 96 GB storage capacity and a high resolution camera.


Hello my friends, this is the beginning of a new adventure. For You and I