Thursday, June 12, 2014


To be honest, out of all the social media we have, I'm more of a Instagram person. There isn't as much bickering on Instagram. I enjoy taking pictures like these. As you all know, take a picture or video and upload it for people to see. A picture after all says a thousand words. But, I have always wondered what ae these 1000 words about? Are they about me? The object?
I read an article on how social media can help when on the job hunt. Depending on what you decide to do as a career, follow important indivuals in that field locally. Like the people around your area who are established in that field of expertise. These people can help you enter the field and from there you get better and meet more people in that field. I've had an Instagram since it came out, which is about 2 years now. So nearly 1,500 pictures I've posted. That is a whole lot of words, over 100,000, all saying something about me. Hopefully nothing bad or that I should be ashamed of. A resume we fill out says only a few hundred words about us, but our social media site of choice can say a whole lot more.
Many companies and businesses looking for prospective future employees, look at a Profession social media site. It is called Linkedin. The difficulty to get a job, not even a career is difficult. So really think about making one of these pages, it'll give you a better chance to be hired. Getting your name out and them seeing it is so much better. Especially compared to just going in without any clue to who you are.
Linkedin, turns finding a job, a sit around and wait thing. Not forever, because nothing will just fall into your lap, but maybe a couple of weeks than actively pursue a career. When potential employers type in a search criteria, if you match keywords you will pop up. Adding these words throughout your account can increase chances of getting hit on the search. Recently, I watched a video on making a Linkedin account. The video was made by Cambridge Educational, the video went in depth about what to show about yourself, and also how to make connections. Brass Magazine also has some great
articles that may help with a career.

Really Linkedin out, when I get some time I will be making an account. Social media really can be used to get you ahead in your career, or it can put you out of the running for a career. Take advantage of the video and other articles or just simple advice on getting a job.

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