Monday, June 2, 2014

Lets Talk Tech

I was given an assignment from an individual, who at my workplace has more power than I. I'm an IT guy at my work. The thing is, I need a personal computer for home use. I'm just an average Joe, with a $400 budget. I can not go over my budget because my dad is in a home, I am paying for that. 

This computer is going to be thrown together. Price is key for me, the specs have to match the price.
I don't want a traditional monitor, oh no, I purchased a Sceptre 32' inch Flat screen with a 1366 x 768 resolution. I now have pixels.

Toshiba Canvio With a whopping, 5700 rpm speed, a 32 megabit cache buffer and 3 terabytes, transform this external hard drive worth the cost. And yes, the price is right.

My keyboard is a K120 , other than the low profile keys and tilt control legs, there is nothing really special about it, it's a keyboard.

                                                                                                8 pages per minute in black, 4 in color, this printer is off the chain.

The Canon Pixma does just that along with being energy star certified. hear that? It's certified, official, bonafide. Comes with power cord.

Logitech made a mouse with high speed connection, no hassle because of no software. It is called the Wireless Mouse. Just kidding, but seriously, M185 with USB nano wireless receiver.

Cyber Acoustics 2.1 Speaker System with Sub woofer features finger tip controls for easy use, high excursion woofers, cabinets too.

The cost of everything is here, Budget .

Buying a Computer Budget
$ 400
Total Expenses
Shipping & Handling
Sales Tax @ 9%
Sub Total
Net Income/ Net Loss
+$  35.39

 If you get on a budget, shooting under is better. Going with too much money is better than not enough. Good luck my friends. Customer to Customer reviews are important but not all circumstances are the same, so personal preference should over rule reviews. The extra money will be used on speakers and maybe my woman. Depends on how I feel about it later.

My ideal cellphone would have 96 GB storage capacity and a high resolution camera.


  1. I love the contrast of the cloud background and the black! Also, I love the humor! However, there are a couple of spelling/ grammatical errors you might want to check out. Individual, much and traditional are both spelled incorrectly. There also needs to be a conjunction in your fifth sentence in the first paragraph. Also, the words "with USB nano wireless reciever" are in a black font, making it near impossible to read.

  2. The colors in the background and the screen compliment each other perfectly. The only thing is can you widen your text box? Thanks

  3. Cool color scheme. I think you were supposed to find a dream computer instead of a dream phone. It was hard to read some words due to lack of color contrast. Great blog.

  4. I like your blog! The background is really cool but make your text bigger so it is easier to read.

  5. Pretty cool color and background maybe widen your tex box is better?
    Maybe you can add a more details introduction previous
    Also, details about the computer(maybe make a list)will be more clear.
    The same for your dream computer, more details
    Hope it is useful for you

  6. Its look great, the contrast is great but I think that you could make the blog box wider to take up more space

  7. It was pretty good but your post needs to be wider.
